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Our Story

St. Thomas More Oratory is the Newman Center, Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Delaware.

In 1946 the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington supported the establishment of a “Newman Club” at the University of Delaware.  Fr. Carlin, an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, was assigned as the part-time Chaplain.  The twenty-five students comprising the Newman Club met in a small back room at Rhodes Drug Store on Main Street. 

Between 1949 and 1952, Fr. O’Neill, Pastor of St. John the Baptist, Main Street Newark, assumed the duties of the Oratory’s Chaplain.  Because student participation doubled in this time, meetings were held twice a month in the larger Old College lounge.   Fr. Francis Cornely succeeded Fr. O’Neill serving as Chaplain until 1958. Fr. Leo O’Neill returned in 1958 as Chaplain for another year. From 1959 to 1961 Fr. Hammer, served as Chaplain.  Meetings were moved to the Perkins Student Center on campus. Fr. Cornely returned in 1961 as the full-time Chaplain.  The Newman Club moved into its new home at 57 W. Park Place where daily and Sunday masses were celebrated.  Three years later, Fr. Ed Wisniewksi was assigned Chaplain to continue the mission of meeting the spiritual needs of the University’s Catholic students.

Fr. Michael Szupper, who had just finished his PhD at Catholic University, was appointed in 1965 thus beginning his 42-year role leading the Oratory.  At the time of his arrival, the Newman Community proudly ministered to more than 1,000 students.  While this participation level was most welcome, it taxed the already inadequate facilities.  In Autumn 1968 Fr. William Keegan, CSC, joined Fr. Szupper and the Park Place Center was sold, and temporary accommodations were found in a room on the second floor of the Les’s Family Store in Newark for chapel, office, and meeting space.  Student participation exceeded 2,000 necessitating the rental of larger facilities for weekend liturgies. 

To meet the needs of this growing population, ground was broken August 1970 for a Catholic Newman Center on properties purchased on Lovett Avenue.   Personnel and resources were relocated to the new Center in the summer of 1971 with the first mass being celebrated on June 20, 1971.  By early September, the Center was ready to serve the 3,100 Catholic students attending the University.   The community celebrated the formal dedication of the Catholic Newman Center by Bishop Thomas Mardaga on May 7, 1972.

In September 1973, students living on North Campus requested that Mass be celebrated in the Commons Room.  Some administrators objected to this proposal resulting in the University seeking a restraining injunction against the Center on the grounds of the separation of church and state.  A lawsuit against Fr. Szupper and his assistant Fr. Keegan was filed.

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On March 28, 1974, the case was heard in Chancery Court and the Chaplains lost.

On January 17, 1975, the Delaware Supreme Court heard the Chaplains’ appeal.

On August 22, 1975, the Delaware Supreme Court reversed the Chancery decision.

In December 1975, United States Supreme Court reviewed the case and upheld the decision 7-2.  This case was precedent setting for the celebration of Mass on State campuses throughout the United States.

As Fr. Szupper and Fr. Keegan continued their ministry to a growing congregation, they soon began to receive requests for weddings and baptisms.  The Catholic Newman Center was not a parish, so they needed permission and a delegation from St. John the Baptist to perform these sacraments.  This demand for further ministerial services resulted in another milestone for the Oratory.  On September 9, 1975, Bishop Thomas Mardaga executed and signed a decree establishing the Catholic Newman Center as the St. Thomas More Oratory, a personal parish at the University of Delaware, appointing Fr. Michael Szupper Pastor, and Fr. William Keegan, CSC, Associate Pastor.

The Oratory experienced a shift in leadership as the Dominican Province of St. Joseph assumed the ministry.  On July 1, 2006, Fr. Ambrose Eckinger, OP was appointed the second pastor of the Oratory. Fr. Stephen Alcott, OP, Fr. Brendan Murphy, OP, Fr. Ed Gorman, OP & Fr. Michael DeTemple, OP all served as Associates over the next nine years.

July 1, 2015 saw another transition in the Oratory’s leadership as the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales assumed the responsibilities of the Newman Center, Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Delaware with the appointment of Fr. Edward F. Ogden as Pastor.  One year later, Fr. Mark Wrightson, O.S.F.S. was appointed Associate Pastor.  Succeeding Fr. Ogden and becoming the fourth Paster was Fr. Michael Christopher Vannicola. On July 1, 2020, Fr. Timothy McIntire, O.S.F.S., began his tenure as Pastor of The Newman Center at St. Thomas More Oratory, and continued the traditions and activities of the Newman Center, Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Delaware for the Students seeking spiritual guidance, strength, and education in their Catholic faith.

With the start of the new fiscal year on July 1, 2024, Bishop Koenig has appointed Fr. Rich Jasper as Pastor at Immaculate Conception, Elkton, MD, and at The Newman Center. Fr. Rich will be joined by newly-ordained Fr. James Gebhart. Fr. Gebhart will be the Associate Pastor at both Immaculate Conception and The Newman Center. Working with Dr. William Hamant, Director of Catholic Campus Ministry and the FOCUS Missionaries, Fr. Rich and Fr. Gebhart will continue the traditions of providing a vibrant and energetic Campus Ministry program to the Students at the University of Delaware.

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